

For Mares With Problems

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Is This Your Mare?

See results in only 14 days!


The only mare product to reduce mare issues that has High Dose Vitamin E, 8 herbs, 2 added vitamins and minerals

The only multi-herbal mare product you can show and race on

Can use on mares and geldings to calm and relax

65% less cost than Regumate

Money back guarantee to improve your mare’s health and comfort

 Product to help your mare get off hormones and shots


*Not for use in breeding, pregnant or nursing mares*


Mare Supplements – What’s in Happ-E-Mare?

Mare Supplements – General Mare Reproductive Information

Mare Supplements – How Different From Humans

Mare Supplements- Insulin Resistance Leads To Issues

Mare Supplements- Why Foundering When in Heat?

Mare Supplements- Thyroid Issues

Mare Supplements – Anatomy Problems

Mare Supplements – Transition Period – Always in Heat

Horse Calming Supplement for Nervousness – Why it Works!

Mare Supplements – OK in Geldings & Stallions

Mare Supplements – Can I Compete On Happ-E-Mare?

Mare Supplements – Is Happ-E-Mare Free of Roundup?

Mare Supplements – Is Happ-E-Mare Non GMO?

Mare Supplements – How Is Happ-E-Mare Better Than Just Plain Raspberry Leaf?

Mare Supplements – How Is Happ-E-Mare Better Than Regumate?

Mare Supplements – Can My Jenny Be On Happ-E-Mare?

Mare Supplements – Why is Happ-E-Mare a Powder and not a Pellet?

  Click here to see our Happ-E-Mare video

A. Mare Supplements – What’s in Happ-E-Mare?


1. A great tasting supplement for your mare – you will have no troubles feeding this product.

B. Unique Combinations Of:

1. Herbs- Eleuthro, ashwagandha, chastetree berry, USDA certified organic raspberry leaf, ginger, oregano, spirulina, chia, Boswellia, arginine, MSM.

2. Added Vitamins to help mares

a. Vitamin B6 – 2mg a dose
b. Vitamin E – 2024 IU a dose

C. Safe: Tested Negative For – Salmonella, E.Coli & Listeria at University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School, Diagnostics Lab.


D. Safe: Tested Negative For – herbicides, drugs and lead  at University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School, Diagnostics Lab.

E. Non-GMO – see separate sections on this site about why this is important.

F. Gluten Free

G. Contains no added selenium – tested selenium negative.

H. Special USDA certified organic raspberry leaf – see separate section on this site about why this is important.

I. Tested Free of aflatoxins– at Midwest Labs.


J. Tested low sugar, low carb (March 2018)– at equi-analytical labs:

WSC= 2.3
ESC= 2.0
Starch= .2



K. Mineral Screen

From University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School, Diagnostics Lab.

– Lead, Arsenic, Thallium Free
– Per Scoop:

Calcium 54.9 mg
Copper .06 mg
Iron 5.1 mg
Manganese .75 mg
Phosphorous 38 mg
Potassium 131.5 mg
Selenium 0 mg
Sodium 21.5 mg




HAPP-E Mare is the Winner!

B. Mare Supplements – General Mare Reproductive Information 

Normal Estrous Cycle

1. Mares are “long day, seasonally polyestrous breeders.”
As the days get longer (more light in a 24 hour period), they start cycling. As the days get shorter (in the autumn), they stop cycling. Their cycle lasts spring, summer and early fall. In late fall and winter, the mare is in anestrous – there is no cycling. In the spring, they go through a transition phase, where they go from anestrus back to estrus cycling, This also occurs in the fall when they go out of estrus cycling.

These two transition phases will have an abnormal cycling times and that leads to a stressful time for mares – it can last for 60-80 days, but can be in and out of heat within only a few days for example.

The usual estrus and diestrus days are not on schedule. They are irregular in timing, making behavioral patterns erratic.
bluestar Click here for Dr. Wolfsdorf’s article on Transition Periods in The Horse Magazine, 2016

2. In anestrus (late Fall & Winter), even though mares are not cycling, they often will have behavioral problems. They may be mildly receptive to a stallion still or even be fully receptive all winter.

3. Polyestrous means they will have many cycles during the long day times of the year – each estrus cycle is 21 days long.

For 4-6 days, a follicle forms on an ovary during estrus and mares are receptive to a stallion.
For 16-17 days, the mare is in diestrus where the corpus luteum forms on the ovary and the mare is not receptive to a stallion.

bluestarClick here for Dr. Sertich’s article on the Reproductive Cycle of the Horse in the Merck Veterinary Manual.

4. Control of estrus depends on control of hormones. In estrus, the main hormone is estrogen. In diestrus, the main hormone is progesterone.
bluestarClick here for in depth info on mare cycles from Ontario Department of Agriculture.

C. Mare Supplements – How Different From Humans


Mares are different from humans. 1. Mares will continue to have cycles in estrous throughout their lives – there is NO menopause for mares!
2. Mares do not menstruate. Often you will see products with “PMS Formula” – technically this is not true since mares can not get PMS. Some mares do have many of the signs of PMS, but it’s important for owners to know this difference.


D. Mare Supplements – Insulin Resistance Leads to Issues

Insulin resistance will cause inability of the mare to get pregnant, can cause foal loss (abortion) or laminitis in the late stages of pregnancy.
If your mare is prone to IR via genetics or eating patterns/diet, it can affect their behavior and estrus cycle pattern.
bluestarClick here to visit the Insulin Resistance section of our website to see how to help avoid IR.


E. Mare Supplements – Why Foundering When in Heat?

Often owners will comment that their mare started a laminitis bout when she started coming into heat. Why is this happening?


1.These mares are already IR (insulin resistant) and are on the edge of high blood insulin creating laminitis – the start of their heat cycle is the final push over the cliffs edge.

2.There are several studies showing high amounts of estrogen can trigger insulin resistance – in mare going into heat, estrogen levels are increasing and peaking. The exact mechanism of estrogen’s effect on insulin resistance are still being studied (some studies conflict on findings), but here are 3 studies showing estrogen’s ability to add to insulin resistance.


A. Insulin Sensitivity is Decreased in Normal Women on Estradiol Doses.

1. Estradiol supplemented decreases insulin sensitivity.
2. This effect was not in all subjects.
3. Note from Dr. Reilly: “This must suggest that this effect will not occur in all mares”.
bluestar Click Here to view Dr. Kojima’s article on mayDecreased Insulin Sensitivity


B. Effect of Estrogen on Insulin Sensitivity.

1. Moderate estrogen doses may actually increase insulin sensitivity, but higher doses of it creates Insulin Resistance.
2. Note from Dr. Reilly: “Estrogen peaks early in heat cycle might be when we see problems in sore mares that are IR/prone to estrogen peak hyperinsulin”.
bluestar Click Here to view Dr. Lindheim’s article on the Effect of Estrogen on Insulin Sensitivity.


C. Estrogen Given to Men Induced Insulin Resistance.

1. 18 men given high dose estradiol.
2. Estradiol treatment in men can induce insulin resistance in healthy subjects.
3. Note from Dr. Reilly: “Using this hormone in a male and creating IR is strong evidence of estrogen having a role in insulin action”.
bluestar Click Here to View Dr. Polderman’s article on the Induction of Insulin Resistance.


3. Stress of Coming into Heat

Stress raises cortisol and that hormone interferes with normal insulin action, which creates a insulin surge to overcome this interference. If already IR, becomes very IR and laminitis triggered.

F. Mare Supplements – Thyroid Issues

Low Thyroid Hormone – many mares will benefit from a combination of Happ-E-Mare and ThyroL powder. Have your vet test the mare’s total T4 level. Often, they are SUBOPTIMAL and run at the bottom of the normal range – we need them at the top of the normal range.

1-2 scoops (12-24 mg) of ThyroL can help bring your mare to the top of the normal range for optimal immunity and muscle health.

Test #1 T4 = 1.3 (where the normal range is 1-3)
Test #2 T4 on ThyroL = 2.7 (top of normal range)

On tests, DO NOT ACCEPT “it’s normal” – we know that.
Think of it this way:
You get into a car accident and are taken to the hospital.
Dr. A is 1 year out of school and has license.
Dr. B is head of surgery, 30 years of experience, wrote 2 books on trauma and has license.
BOTH are normal, but you know who you would choose.

G. Mare Supplements  – Anatomy Problems

External Reproductive Tract Anatomy Problem
If your mare’s vulva tilts inward, manure has a tendency to pour out onto her reproductive tract, which leads to urinary tract infections. The mare might urinate more often, feel poorly and not really care if a stallion is around – this can lead to problems in gauging where she is in the estrus cycle. She may be resistant to being ridden and not be able to focus due to having an infection. These infections can also progress to uterine infections. Excess fluid and inflammatory cells build up in the uterus. Uterine infections lead to short cycling – the time out of heat is very short, so she is in heat more often.
bluestarClick here for Dr. Cook’s article on Mares and Hormones from The Horse Magazine, 2012.

H. Mare Supplements – Transition Period – Always in Heat

1. Transition periods of abnormal estrus cycles – 60 days in spring and 60 days in fall
2. Hormonal swings of coming into heat – from progesterone to estrogen control
There are approximately 11 estrus cycles a year, creating behavioral and physical changes in your mare.
3. Anestrus (“in heat”) abnormal issues – mare is NOT to be cycling then, but many mares exhibit “in heat” signs in the winter.

I. Horse Calming Supplement for Nervousness – Why It Works

Often, horses do not have a hormonal problem but still need a calming aid for their nervousness. Happ-E-Mare can help them by reducing inflammation, helping immunity, easing their stomachs and supporting muscles so they feel better. Sometimes nervousness is caused by discomfort.
Happ-E-Mare is good to use in both mares and geldings!

1. Horse Calming Supplement: Ginger helps your horse’s movement by lessening inflammation. If your horse is comfortable, then they are calm.

bluestarClick here for the effects of Ginger: Dr. Mashhadi, International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2013.

a. The gingerol in ginger is a proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
b. Gingerol also is shown to reduce COX2 expression, so it also reduces prostaglandins.

bluestarClick the link to see how ginger can protect neurons via anti-neuroinflammation. Dr. Park, Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2013. 

bluestarClick here to see how ginger reduced muscle soreness by 25% in a study by Dr. Black, Journal of Pain, 2010.

bluestarClick here to see how ginger is an immune adaptogen that fights inflammation. Dr. Tripathi et al, BMC Complement Altern Med., 2008.

2. Horse Calming Supplement: Oregano helps the immune system and reduces inflammation                                                                                                   

bluestarClick here for Dr. Coccimiglio’s study in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016.
a. Oregano is a cytotoxic protectant via antioxidative ability
b. Oregano also works as an antibacterial against multiple pathogenic bacteria such as pseudomonas and e. coli.

3. Horse Calming Supplement: Spirulina 

bluestarClick here for an article about the benefits of spirulina: Dr. Deng, Cardiovascular Therapy, 2011.
a. Helps general liver function – reduced liver fats by 40%.
b. Helps cardiovascular conditions
c. Powerful antioxidant
d. Helps in protecting and preventing environmental/chemical/heavy metal oxidative stress and inflammation

4. Horse Calming Supplement: Ashwagandha

bluestarClick here for an article on how Ashwagandha helps sleep better – a rested horse is a calm horse: Dr. Mahesh, PLOS, 2017.
a. Insomnia and poor quality of sleep results in chronic sleep loss and metabolic disorders.
b. Ashwagandha is proven to help induce sleep and quality of sleep.

bluestarClick here to see how ashwagandha helps reduce stress and anxiety: Dr. Chandrasekhar, Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2012.
a. Ashwagandha is a safe and effective adaptogen.
b. Proven to reduce stress and anxiety in study.
c. Reduced stress blood control levels by 27.9%.
d. Subjects reported a 75% reduction in stress.

5. Horse Calming Supplement: Vitamin E – your horse does not make Vitamin E in the body. They need an outside source like in Happ-E-Mare.

bluestarClick here to see the effects of Vitamin E deficiency on fatigue and muscle contractile properties: Dr. Coombes, Journal of Applied Physiology, 2002.
a. Vitamin E reduces oxidative damage
b. Vitamin E deficiency showed a 69% reduction in muscle fatigue.
c. A horse’s anxiety may be caused by muscle soreness from a Vitamin E deficiency.

bluestarClick here for Dr. Tütüncü’s article in Diabetes Care, 1998.
a. Nerve damage was reversed with Vitamin E supplementation and the nerves improved as well.

bluestarClick here for Dr. Kamish’s article in Pharmaceutical Biology, 2014 about Vitamin E as a potential therapy for gastric mucosal injury.
a. Vitamin E can help with stomach ulcers.
b. Nervous horses have stomach problems – Vitamin E can help them feel better!

6. Horse Calming Supplement: Eleuthro – contains multiple benefits to reduce stress, help learning and reduce fatigue.

bluestarClick here for Dr. Panossian’s article in Pharmaceuticals, 2010 on the effects of eleuthro’s adaptogens on the central nervous system.
a. Eleuthro reduces anxiety as an anxiolitic, is anti-inflammatory, gastroprotective and helps cognitive performance (memory and learning).
b. Also helps reduce stress and physical and mental fatigue.

bluestar Click here for Dr. Kuo’s article in Chin J Physiology, 2010.
a. Eleuthro helped in oxygenation of athletes by 12%.
b. Eleuthro helped increased endurance capacity by 23%.

7. Horse Calming Supplement: MSMantioxidant, safe and effective

a. MSM is naturally occurring in the horses body
bluestar Click here to see University of Michigan Health Library

b. MSM is protective for your horses body

1. “Reduced Nitric Oxide and Carbon Monoxide and oxidative changes.”
2. MSM shown to provide protection in humans for muscular skeletal pain, allergies and arthritis.
3. “MSM protects horse from exercise induced oxidative stress”
4. “Protective effect against oxidation and potential inflammation”
bluestar Click Here for University study from Madrid – The Horse
bluestar Click Here for article in New Zealand Horse Talk

c. MSM helps sore muscles

1. Horses getting MSM supplement showed less inflammation on thermography
2. Horses on MSM had better training times in race horses
3. Dr. Riegal concluded “MSM has significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects for horses.”
bluestar Click Here for article from 2001 in The Horse

d. MSM helps with seasonal allergies that can effect your horse

1. In a human study, energy levels increased and lower airway respiratory symptoms decreased
bluestar Click Here for J. of Alt/Comp Medicine 2002 article by Dr. Barrager

e. MSM helps in a animal study to help reduce arthritis – if your mares joints feel better, moves better

1. MSM found in all plants
2. MSM scores decreased when on MSM
3. MSM showed protection in development of arthritis in the model
bluestar Click Here Jap. Pharm/Therapeutics. 2004 article by Dr. Hasegawa

f. MSM helped arthritis in human knees

1. MSM sulfur content used by the body to maintain connective tissue
2. Adding MSM “produced improvement in performing activities of daily living” in humans with osteoarthritis of the knees
bluestar Click Here study in osteoarthritis 2006 Dr. Kim

8. Horse Calming Supplement: Boswellia

bluestarClick Here to see Dr. Siddiqui’s, 2011 article in Indian Journal of Pharmacology
a. Potent inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, this enzyme is responsible for much of the inflammation in the body and Boswellia stops it

b. Used as calming agent also

bluestarClick Here to see Dr. Ammon’s, 2006 article in Planta Med

a. Boswellia has anti-inflammatory activity

b. Different then NSAID, in that main action is against 5-lipoxygenase

c. Works on Cytokines (Interleukins and TNF-alpha)


J. Mare Supplements  – OK in Geldings & Stallions

Can I use Happ-E-Mare in geldings or stallions with Behavioral Issues?

Does your gelding or stallion need a calming aid in order to handle, ride, turn out or train?
Yes, you can use Happ-E-Mare! Many owners use Happ-E-Mare on horses that are sour acting, “flighty” or nervous.

Can I use Happ-E-Mare in geldings or stallions in competition?

Yes! It is now popular for owners to use Happ-E-Mare due to new regulations that makes Regumate illegal to race, show and compete on. See the notice below (click image to enlarge):



….But Happ-E-Mare is here to help!


K. Mare Supplements – Can I Compete on Happ-E-Mare?

1. Yes! Happ-E-Mare contains no prohibited herbs.
2. In many mare products on the market, you can NOT use them for 14 days prior to events.
3. Prohibited herbs in many mare products include:


bluestarClick here for Herbs prohibited by FEI – Horsetalk, 2009.

4. Prohibited in competition, but it is listed in horse catalogs and online – Be Careful!
i. Brand A – contains passion flower, chamomile
ii. Brand B – contains vervain, chamomile
iii. Brand C – contains passion flower, chamomile, valerian
iv. Brand D – contains valerian

bluestarClick Here for the 2018 USEF Banned Herbs.

L. Mare Supplements – Is Happ-E-Mare Free of Roundup?

Happ-E-Mare is tested free of all herbicides, pesticides, drugs and lead. You need this information to make fully informed decisions for your horses.

M. Mare Supplements – Is Happ-E-Mare Non GMO?

Happ-E-Mare is free of GMOs as well as gluten, and can be taken in conjunction with medications your mare may be prescribed to.

N. Mare Supplements – How is Happ-E-Mare Better Than Just Plain Raspberry Leaf?

1. Equianalytical Labs tested cut and sifted raspberry leaf and found it was high in ESC sugars – 8.5% – and extremely high in WSC (fructans) at 20.4%.

Horses that are IR (insulin resistant), possible IR or Cushings (PPID) need to avoid straight raspberry leaf.

2. See chart of differences in plain raspberry leaf and multi-dimensional Happ-E-Mare:

Certified Organic Tested Low Carb Minerals Added Multiple Herbs Tested Free of Pesticides, Herbicides, Lead, Drugs Free Vet Consults High Dose Vitamin E Tested Free of Aflatoxin
Happ-E-Mare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Raspberry Leaf Alone No No No No Unknown No No Unknown
Winner: Happ-E-Mare


Happ-E-Mare’s raspberry leaf is 100% organic – top grade, top quality and top safety.


 Herbicides with Raspberry Leaf
Happ-E-Mare tested negative for Herbicides. We make sure our source and amount of raspberry leaf is safe. With others, you may have no idea what types of herbicides, pesticides or chemicals the grower uses.

Non-GMO Raspberry Leaf is in Happ-E-Mare. With others, you may have no idea whether the herb is GMO or non-GMO.


 Raspberry Leaf in Happ-E-Mare is USDA certified organic. Your horse deserves the best, and with others, you may have no idea if the herb is organic or not.

O. Mare Supplements – How is Happ-E-Mare Better Than Regumate?

Regumate is a synthetic, progesterone-like oral hormone.

1. Problem #1: Regumate is prescription only. You can not get it at the store or online without a veterinary prescription.
Happ-E-Mare is available in stores and online with no prescription.

2. Problem #2: Regumate is $2.50 per dose.
Happ-E-Mare is only $0.95 a dose – if feeding over an 8 month period (spring to early fall), that’s $372 in savings!

3. Problem #3: Some mares have adverse reactions to Regumate. They can become more spooky, nervous or aggressive.
Happ-E-Mare’s all natural formula works to calm mares.

4. Problem #4: Missing a dose of Regumate will result in your mare coming into heat. If you run out and skip a dose one or two times, your mare will come into heat. Restarting it will have no effect for at least a week.
Happ-E-Mare will NOT cause hormonal crashes if a dose is missed.

5. Problem #5: Regumate is not approved in geldings.
Happ-E-Mare is approved for use in geldings who need calming for better focus and better performance.

6. Problem #6: Regumate is synthetic and contains no added herbs, minerals or vitamins.
Happ-E-Mare is made from natural herbs, minerals and vitamins.

7. Problem #7: Human contact with skin can result in hormonal imbalances in people. Regumate can be absorbed through the skin.



  bluestarClick here for an extensive 2003 article by the Ontario Department of Agriculture on Accidental Exposure to Regumate

a. Need “extreme caution when handling”
b. “Acute effects after single exposure are possible.”
c. “Protective clothing consisting of safety goggles, coveralls and special gloves.”
d. “If on skin, consult a physician.”

bluestarClick here for the Regumate package insert

a. Contraindicated in mares with previous or current history of uterine inflammation
b. Pregnant or suspected pregnant women cannot handle
c. Women with known or suspected carcinoma of the breast cannot handle
d. Anyone with liver disease cannot handle
e. Must store at or below 77 degrees Fahrenheit

bluestarClick here ti see July 2018 FDA warning about reproductive          problems in people exposed to Regumate

a. Adverse effects in women/girls
b. 137 confirmed cases
c. Long term exposure leads to suspected breast cancer

No gloves or protective clothing needed.
Stable at hot or cold temperatures and has a 2 year shelf-life.
No problems with handling or if it gets on skin.

P. Mare Supplements – Can My Jenny Be On Happ-E-Mare?

Does your Jenny (Female Donkey) get Moody?

1. Yes, she can use Happ-E-Mare! They have the same reproductive cycles as mares.

2. Happ-E-Mare can help them to be less anxious and nervous, and more comfortable.

3. Donkeys are more prone to Insulin resistance if miniature – you can use Happ-E-Mare and the Heiro program together!

4. Many Jennies have reproductive problems if IR. If you plan on breeding your donkey, discontinue use of Happ-E-Mare, but continue the Heiro program through pregnancy and nursing.

P. Mare Supplements – Why is Happ-E-Mare a Powder and not a Pellet? 

Happ-E-Mare has 9 natural herbs with no loss of potency from being processed with heat (200°F steamed heat) to produce a pellet. “Pellets are hot when they leave the pellet die because of heat coming from steam conditioning.”
bluestarClick here for an article on Equinews regarding pellet processing.

If Happ-E-Mare went through the extrusion process, it would cook the herbs at 260°F.
bluestarClick here for an article from The Horse about extruded horse feeds.







Disclaimer: Happ-E-Mare is a supplement to help maintain health. Discuss supplements with your veterinarian. Happ-E-Mare is NOT for breeding, pregnant or nursing mares. The Happ-E-Mare program includes proper diet, exercise and sleep.