Monthly Archives: May 2018

Vitamin E: Why This Antioxidant Plays a Major Role in your Horse’s Health

Vitamin E plays an essential part when maintaining your horse’s overall health. This antioxidant is found in every single cell of your animal and is responsible for keeping your horse’s tissues healthy and strong. From the eyes, liver, spinal cord, heart, and joints, your horse is made up of this vitamin. Horses tend to burn up Vitamin E quickly, especially after vigorous exercise, and if your animal burns up too much of it without replacing what it lost, it can lead to serious problems. Your horse cannot function without the proper amount of Vitamin E in its system, and a … Continue reading

How to Protect Your Horse from Lyme Disease This Summer

As the days begin to get longer and the temperature grows warmer, it is more likely that your horse will be spending more time outside enjoying the summer heat. Summer is a great time to get your animal active and spend time outside in nature, but be aware that your horse isn’t the only creature emerging from its winter hibernation. Ticks become more active as the temperature rises, and are the most active between the months of March through May, and August through November.Ticks are known for spreading Lyme Disease – a disease that is caused by the bite of … Continue reading