Monthly Archives: July 2018

Shoo Fly! How to Protect Your Horse from Flies and Mosquitoes

There is no worse feeling than having to constantly be swatting away those pesky flies and mosquitoes every time you step outside in the summer heat. What’s even worse is when you can feel those itchy bug bites beginning to form after you weren’t quick enough to swat them away. Flies and mosquitoes are equally annoying for us as they are for horses, so it’s crucial that you are helping protect yourself and your animal from those annoying winged critters this summer. Keep it Clean: There are various ways to keep flies and mosquitoes off of your animal. An important … Continue reading

Protecting Your Horse from the Summer Sun

When the dead of summer hits, the heat can become almost unbearable. With the temperatures blaring and the humidity rising, it is crucial that you are doing everything you can to make sure your horse is staying cool this summer. Your horse can become extremely sick if it is not properly protected from the sun. Hyperthermia, commonly referred to as heat stroke, can cause severe, sometimes even fatal conditions. Heat stroke occurs as a result of your animal being unable to lose its body heat, causing its internal temperature to rapidly accelerate. Heat stroke can occur if your horse is plowing … Continue reading