Monthly Archives: November 2018

Treating Equine COPD in Winter

Equine Heaves/COPD is a condition that affects 25 to 80% of stabled horses in the United States. Typical onset occurs when a horse is between 8 and 10 years old. There are many names for this airway problem. They include Equine Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO), Equine Small Airway Inflammatory Disease (SAID), Equine Asthma, Equine Allergic Airway, and Broken Wind.   Early Signs of Trouble Signs of heaves or COPD may be easily missed at onset. In the early stages, your horse may have no energy at the end of a ride, or be coughing more. You may notice a mild nasal … Continue reading

Bathing Your Horse in the Winter: How to Make it Easy for You and Them

Bathing a horse in the winter isn’t a lot of fun for the horse or the owner. Cold temperatures and cold water just don’t go together! Eventually, the mud will dry and disappear, but if you can’t wait for that to happen because you have a show or event, follow these steps to make that winter bath session a little more tolerable. Plan Ahead Prepare yourself for the task by gathering a large bucket with warm water, a sponge or washcloth, shampoo, old towels, sweat scraper, and a cooler. Avoid shampoos that need to sit on the horse for a … Continue reading