Monthly Archives: December 2018

4 Common Winter Hoof Problems & How to Treat Them

The winter is one of the more challenging times of year to be a horse owner. Between the cold temperatures and icy conditions, it can be challenging to spend quality time with our four-legged friends. With decreased outdoor time and activity coupled with slow hoof growth during the winter months, you may be tempted to push much of your horse’s hoof care needs to the spring, but, the reality is that the winter is hard on your horse’s hooves. Cold, wet, ice, snow and hard ground all take a toll on your horse’s feet. If you’re already looking toward the … Continue reading

5 Winter Health Challenges for Horses

Winter is here, the weather outside is less than delightful, and we are not spending as much time with our horses as we would like. Limited horse activity and been kept penned up comes with specific challenges. Here is our look at the five most common winter health challenges for horses. Dehydration Most people only worry about dehydration during the hot and humid summer months. Keeping your horse hydrated when it’s cold outside can be a challenge as well. Freezing water is an issue as well as resistance to drinking the cold water. Dehydration can contribute to serious health issues … Continue reading