Monthly Archives: June 2019

Money Saving Tips and Tricks For A Horse Owner

Owning Horses can be an expensive lifestyle to maintain. From steep veterinary bills to food costs, horse owners have many expenses that simply need to be fulfilled to maintain a healthy animal. With all of these expenses, it’s helpful to find ways to save without cutting corners. In this blog, we’ll explore some tips to help you save money on your horse. Products  What is the number one way to save money at the doctor? Not going to the doctor! This concept is the same with horses. To maintain your horse’s health and avoid the steep veterinary costs, your horse … Continue reading

Must-Have Summer Gear To Keep The Horse And Rider Comfortable

The sun is out, and horses everywhere are ready to be ridden. With the better weather comes more opportunities to ride your horse outdoors. The heat and humidity of the warm months are just as dangerous to you and your horse as the cold can be in the winter. Since we have covered the gear to have during the winter, we only see it fit that we elaborate on the best summer gear for horseback riding.   For The Rider Heat regulation with adequate protection from falls, rubbing against your horse, and protection from the sun are priorities for you … Continue reading