Benefits of Grooming Your Horse

The Benefits of Grooming Your Horse                                                                                         

As a horse owner it is important to make sure your horses are in top condition at all times. This includes everything from their physical health to their outer appearance. Grooming your horse is something that should be done daily. There are many benefits to grooming your horse that countless owners seem to overlook. Aside from making them look better with a shinier, healthier coat there are numerous mental and physical health benefits involved. These health benefits include:

Preventing Health Issues                                                                                              

One of the most important aspects of grooming is checking every area on your horses body, by doing this you will be able to see if any scratches, swelling, bumps or skin irritations are present on your horse. You will also be able to tell if they are sensitive in any areas which will help your further grooming habits. Being able to detect these issues early will prevent them from getting any worse and allow you to take immediate medical action. This is another reason grooming your horse daily is so important, bumps and scratches can easily happen without you knowing but can lead to major health issues.

Removing Dirt and Other Irritants                                                                              

Horses are constantly aro

und dirt and manure, whether you’re out riding them or they are out in a paddock with other horses they are bound to get dirty. This dirt can get stuck in their hair and coat and cause skin irritation. By grooming your horse, you are preventing the horse from itching and damaging their skin. Dirt and manure is also very present in a horses hoof, by removing it you are able to prevent common hoof issues as talked about in our previous blog.

Grooming Benefits

Promoting Blood Circulation

Whenever you brush your horse their blood flow is increased and rushes to the skin’s surface; this helps make their muscles stronger, reduces possible pain and swelling, aids in hoof health, increases injury recovery time and enhances their coat. Increasing their blood flow is the easiest way to ensure your horse is healthy and prevent further issues.

Increasing Comfort and Bonding                                                                                               

Any interaction you have with your horse increases the bond you have with them, this bond is important to create and maintain not only for riding and training purposes but for the horses mental health. Once your horse feels comfortable with you, interaction will be easier and less anxiety producing for them.

As you can see grooming is not only important for your animal but is beneficial for you as well, there are many different ways you can go about grooming your horse that all reap their own benefits. Our online store carries many different products that can help in your grooming process.

Topical spray concentrate will further your grooming efforts and provide protection from ticks, mosquitoes, gnats and flies.

RK Spray and Concentrate


Map Shampoo can help in removing dirt and debris from your horses coat.

Map Skin Shampoo

Quadrabiotic Cream will help treat infected, swollen skin just incase your horse does get injured or sick.

Quadrabiotic Ointment