

1. Yucca is high in sugar, which is important to avoid in Insulin Resistant horses, Cushings horses, overweight horses, and/or horses with previous laminitis history.

This horse does NOT need Yucca

ESC – 12.7 – Very high
WSC – 11.5 – Very high





Yucca is also very high in Iron (1900 ppm). High Iron can also make Insulin levels higher.

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We are the only veterinary practice in the USA that tested Yucca, because we recognize that owners want black and white numbers to use to make decisions about their horses health. 


2. Yucca is in over 35 different joint products for horses.
Joint products that contain Yucca cannot be used in Insulin Resistant horses, Cushings horses, overweight horses, or horses with previous laminitis history.