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Equine Insulin Resistance Magnesium

At times, you will see ads for products with lots of Magnesium to help with cresty necks/fat deposits. Know that the new Insulin Resistance diet along with the HEIRO™ already has increased your horse’s levels of Magnesium to the right level. Do not waste money on supplementing more Magnesium.

1.  HEIRO has the highest correct concentration of pharmaceutical grade (USP) Magnesium of any equine supplement on the market. We are also lab tested safe.

2.  Of the many types of Magnesium, HEIRO uses the natural form yielding the highest correct amount of the mineral for the horse. National Research Council 2007. bluestar Click here to See Why Super High Magnesium doesn’t work.

3.  HEIRO uses only the natural form of Magnesium. Other products use forms that have been artificially produced in a lab. We use the form seen in human multivitamins like products from GNC, Twin Labs, and Sunshine vitamins seen in your grocery store or pharmacy.

4.  The HEIRO program provides added Magnesium for Equine Insulin Resistance to the diet like no other plan can:

    • High protein of the grain mixes we list help increase Magnesium absorption from the intestine. Oregon State University Pauling Institute.
    • Peanuts as a snack is one of the top 10 sources of Magnesium, providing 48mg in just one ounce.Peanuts
    • Alfalfa increases Magnesium digestibility in the diet to increase absorption. National Research Council 2007.
    • Beet pulp has twice the level of Magnesium needed for maintenance, which is an added bonus.


  • *** HEIRO is the only supplement with a goal to get your horse on pasture and maintain it there. Magnesium is part of chlorophyll, the green pigment of plants, so the fresh grass is a high Magnesium source. Solid evidence why horses can still get Laminitis on dirt paddocks. They need green leafy material.

5.  Magnesium assists in Equine Insulin Resistance increasing  the blood flow, improve Insulin levels, and assist in gastric ulcer repair. With this in mind you want the tested safe, highest concentration of pharmaceutical grade (USP) Magnesium you can get, which is HEIRO.

6.  HEIRO’s concentration of Magnesium means you only feed 1/2 an ounce once a day. This small amount is 2, 3 or 4 times less volume then other supplements, and does not require giving twice a day – just once scoop and done.

7.  The ration balancers we recommend are a great source of Magnesium for Equine Insulin Resistance.  Many are 2-3 grams Magnesium per pound of these feeds which is 30-40% of the daily Magnesium needs in a 1000 pound horse according to the Nutritional Requirements of the Horse.

8.  Hay is also a source of Magnesium.  Alfalfa hay is 50% higher in Magnesium than grass hay according to Equi-Analytical Labs.

9.  Our bluestarEquine Insulin Resistant Snacks section has excellent sources of Magnesium.  According to USDA, just 1/2 of a baking cup a day of pumpkin seeds has over 600mg of Magnesium.pumpkinseeds

10.  Equine Insulin Resistance Magnesium needs are naturally covered with the HEIRO program:

Forage (Fresh grass/hay) + ration balancers + HEIRO + Good snacks = proper Magnesium levels.

11.  Magnesium is only 1 part of the Equine Insulin Resistance Puzzle. We want to provide the right healthy amount and not overdose horses with Magnesium. HEIRO is unique in having natural herbs and Vitamin E

In a study by Dr. Chameroy, University of Tennessee Veterinary School, Eq. Vet Journal, 2011, showed high levels of Magnesium and Chromium in a supplement had no effect.  “Chromium and Magnesium evaluated in this study did not alter measurements, blood variables, resting insulin concentrates or insulin sensitivity in laminitic older horses.”  bluestarClick here to see the article Effects of a supplement containing Chromium and Magnesium.


As you can see, you are covered on Magnesium with the new Insulin Resistance diet and HEIRO supplement.


blueribbonClick here to see 26 ways HEIRO is the Best Choice and why the winner over other products.

Heiro Label - 90 Day - jpeg

Proper diet and exercise is essential for horse health. This product is a supplement to help maintain horse health. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.