Managing A Moody Mare

We all know the saying, “April showers bring May flowers.”This saying may be true regarding the weather – but the spring doesn’t always bring joy and happiness! The spring and early stages of summer can bring a phase of moodiness and irritability in mares. This is due to a hormonal imbalance they experience as a result of the new season. This irritability is extremely common for mares to experience, and luckily, there are ways to assist your animal with this change in attitude.

There are multiple signs that your mare may be going through a hormonal imbalance. These symptoms include irritability, anxiousness, loss of focus, experiencing difficulty when riding, or muscle soreness. These symptoms are not life-threatening, but they can make your animal hard to control, or even aggressive.

how to calm a moody mare

There are various ways that you can manage your animal’s moodiness. Here are a few tips and tricks you can follow to assist your animal this spring:

Groom your animal: Trying calming your animal down by brushing its coat or washing its hair. Take the time to groom your animal, with calm, soft strokes. This will not only improve your horse’s physical appearance, but it can calm them down and assist with their irritability and mood swings as well.

Keep a journal of your horse’s behavior: Is your animal displaying strange behaviors, or not acting in its usual manner? Grab a journal and take notes on how your animal is behaving. These notes will be useful when diagnosing your animal if you have to take them to a veterinarian later on.

Be tolerant: It is important to be tolerant of your animal’s behavior, after all, it’s their natural instinct to be moody during the springtime. Don’t get too frustrated if your mare is acting up – this moodiness usually ends by the time summer kicks in.

Incorporate calming herbs into your animal’s diet: Our line of Happ-E-Mare is made up of 9 balancing herbs, vitamins, and Vitamin E designed to get your mare calm and relaxed. Certified low sugar, starch, and fructose. Happ-E Mare is the ONLY multiple herbal/vitamin /mineral mare supplement in the USA approved to compete on for racing and showing. It’s also great for nervous geldings and stallions too! Happ-E-Mare will get your animal back to its happy self in as little as 14 days!

Don’t forget that all animals are different, some of these tips may work better for some animals compared to others. Always contact your vet if you suspect your animal’s mood is not getting any better, or if they are showing any signs of sickness.

For questions and resources on how to deal with an irritable mare, contact us! Equine Medical and Surgical Associates is here to help your animal enjoy a safe and healthy summer!