The Horse of Delaware Valley

The Horse of Delaware Valley

“When spring grass begins to flourish, many horse and pony owners face the prospect of excluding laminitic or probable laminitic animals from their favorite treat. is the definitive site for organic solutions for insulin resistant horses. Located in West Chester, Pa., Equine Medical & Surgical Associates, Inc., hosts its web site that includes everything you need to know about insulin resistance, the number-one cause of laminitis in the world and its organic treatment for the condition, HEIRO, On the site home page there are also clicks to RK Topical Spray, a super horse fly repellent that works to knock out flies, ticks, mosquitoes and gnats as well as an all organic, herbal, oral supplement to relieve summer eczema, sweet itch. Heiro™ is the star of the site and is covered extensively with testimonials, lab results including those from prestigious universities and the promise that the product contains only USDA certified organic ingredients.It explains how to ensure that the often unreliable results of insulin resistance tests can be assured and, it will work with owners, the owner’s veterinarian and farrier for maximum efficacy. Heiro™ is tested to guarantee that it has the safest and lowest sugar and starch levels, its mineral amounts and it is the only product that has been documented to ensure the proper levels of vitamin E, which is an essential antioxidant, anti-inflammatory vascular supporter of the hoof. Heiro is neither cooked nor processed, contains no fillers, is not a diluted tea and has no sugar additives.It’s cost, $44 per month, is comparable to pergolide, the treatment most often prescribed by veterinarians.The site also describes what insulin resistance is, how best to incorporate an exercise program for insulin resistant horses and what are acceptable snacks for those animals.”