

Our customers tell the story of our service and the quality of our products.

See below for all our products








Protocol for Horses Working Well
Dr. Reilly:
Just wanted to let you know that the protocol for my two horses seems to be working well. Both Ranger and Dorado are maintaining their weight and are showing no signs of any laminitis issues.  Ranger’s hoof from last fall’s episode is nearly grown out and his feet look good!  Also, the Harmony grazing muzzle, by Dr. Harman, that you recommended is great – so much better than the traditional, heavy prohibitive models.  With this hot summer we have had no issues, no sores, and they never come off! Happy Horses.  Thanks again for being so prompt and helpful when I first contacted you – I’m a fan!

Alison – Connecticut, September 2016

Jasper, The Donkey, Update!!!!
Dr. Reilly:
We had a big snow this winter.  I tossed a bit of hay in the snow so I could get a picture of Jasper in it.  He made paths and stuck to them rather than barging through the deep snow.  He’s glad that it’s spring here now!

Barb – Colorado, April 2016

Jasper Headley in the Snow

Jack On Heiro – Looks and Feels Good
Dr. Reilly:
My horse, Jack, is going well on Heiro.  He has been bucking and playing in his paddock, his neck has lost a lot of its crest, and he looks and feels good. I had his feet x-rayed about 2 1/2 weeks ago and my local vet was very pleased in that his soles have thickened and the minor rotation he had experienced in his left front seemed a bit less than before because of the sole growth.  He told me to start easy exercise.

Tammy – Texas, April 2016

Saved Billy’s Life
Dr. Reilly:
Our 27-year-old Morgan, Billy, has done great on Heiro.  He tested positive as an EMS horse several years ago.  Heiro has literally prolonged if not saved his life.  Thanks again for your hard work, through research and assistance!

Robyn – Colorado, April 2016

He walks like a normal horse
Dr. Reilly:
I purchased your product as a last resort for my boarder horse, who I also raised from a baby.  I cannot fathom what a change its made to his life.  He can walk like a normal horse, is sound for the first time in years.  I was so impressed, I purchased this product for my dogs (dog version).  I bought mine from Valley Vet.

Electra – Vermont, April 2016

My Farrier is very happy with my boys
Dr. Reilly:
I tried Heiro on my 15-year-0ld Quarter Horse on 12/9/15.  The results were amazing.  Within 7 day he stopped being foot sore.  By the end of 2015, I put my 14-year-old Paint on Heiro, with the same results. On 2/1/16, I put my Irish Cobb on Heiro. He is well over 20, good looking old man, likes to eat too much and shows it.  I have to monitor him all the time.  My Farrier is very happy with my boys. (No Shoes) for the first time in years.  THANKS! to your product and help from your staff (Cindy), I am able to use my horses again.

Pat and Patty – New York, March 2016

Fabulous Jumper
Dr. Reilly:
My pony is still on Heiro after a bout of Laminitis last year and is doing fabulously with great feet plus I’m jumping him!!

Christine – California, March 2016

Zeke Back To Normal
Dr. Reilly:
This is a long, overdue letter. This year we battled Laminitis for 2 miserable months, and had done all the recommended things to no avail after 2 visits to the Veterinary School and many trips from my local vet.  We were looking to put Zeke down.  I began a web search to see if there was anything else we could do…that is when I found your website, read quite a bit, and many testimonials.  I ordered Heiro with quite a bit of skepticism.  I started on it, and then your office called 3 days after we started it and listened attentively. Then you called!!!!! Talk about a miraculous and wonderful call. I implemented all your suggestions and within 5 days Zeke was back to his normal self.  We have done everything you suggested.  After his last trim, Zeke was very painful and he had another Laminitic episode.  I doubled the Heiro, and BOOM!!!! He improved.  I thank God for you!  You saved my horse…and me, from great sadness.  Thank you.

Linda – Oregon, January 2016

Needs All Three To Breathe and Avoid Laminitis
Dr. Reilly:
My Lipizzan is getting exactly the ration that was prescribed by you, and he is doing really well.  His weight is stable. His crazy behavior, from being really hungry, has subsided.  He seems to be satisfied and completely normal.  He is on Heiro, Vitamin E, and Heave Ho.  Thank you for all your help in getting me and my horse back on track.  You and your staff demonstrated more care and concern and assistance than any other professional that I could find here and I will always be grateful.

Julie – Washington, January 2016

Helping Sore Feet
Dr. Reilly:
Hello.  This is Brat that you have been helping with her sore feet.  She is doing great and we are still working on her weight.  Thank you for all your help!


Liz – Florida

Pony Doing Well!
Dr. Reilly:
My pony is doing well!  She weighs about 250 lbs.  She has gained a little weight but I’d like her to put on a little more.  She seems to feel pretty good though, which is great!  I am soaking the hay, and she is still on the Heave Ho and Heiro.  Her feet are fine now…she is actually running around a bit.  Our farrier is very pleased with her improvement.  In addition to the recommended food (timothy hay, Nutrena Empower Balance, mixed with some timothy pellets), the only other think I am giving her is beet pulp which I soak before giving to her.  She has a few cups of the soaked beet pulp daily.

Pam – Ohio, November 2015

No Signs of Soreness
Dr. Reilly:
I just want to let you know that Molli is doing so so fine.  I found a really good farrier that trimmed her really short and she’s walking fine, on pasture, and riding every kid I can get on her.  She’s still on Heiro.  She’s still on her regular insulin resistant food, but she also eats a little with the other horses.  So far she hasn’t shown any signs of soreness.  I just want to say thank you so much for helping me and giving me my Molli back when I couldn’t get anyone else.  I was really about to go off the deep end.  Lol.  Thank you so much!!

Nancy – Missouri, July 2015

Dr. Reilly:
Phava started on Heiro on December 9, 2014.  The first change that I noticed was that she no longer seemed obsessed with food.  After almost 120 days, she has lost weight and changed her conformation.  I am sending a picture taken today.  She looks wonderful!  We plan to continue her on the product indefinitely.  Since she began using Heiro, two of my friends have also started using it with their horses.  Phava is my husband’s horse and for years I called her “PhavaMcFatty”.  He can’t believe how I rave about her new look.  I am very happy with your product.


Patty – Wisconsin, April 2015

Dr. Reilly:
I thought I would give you an update on my two horses.  It’s been 7 weeks since they started on Heiro.  Sunday was their first trim.  The first thing my farrier noticed was their improved behavior.  Both were haltered, calm, and ready to go.  the second was the weight loss of the younger mare, Fancy.  So I measured her with the weight table and she’s lost 167 lbs!


My farrier was very happy with their feet.  He gave them a full trim, not the “barely” done trims as in the past, and they are showing no soreness.  Overall he was very happy, and surprised to see their progress in such a short time.  Thanks again for the help and the great product.

Ronda – Washington, March 2015

Dr. Reilly:
I wanted you to know how thankful I am for the change in my horse’s health since I started giving him Heiro.  He has grown new feet and feels so good again.  He is no longer in pain and I am so thankful.  I am able to ride him again and he is so happy to be out on the trails again.  It has been a long haul but with Heiro and all the good advice your website provides on caring for a horse with Laminitis, McKinley’s health has been restored. I feel I am in debt to you, not only for your good product but for the information you provide to care for a horse like McKinley.  Thanks to you, I learned how diligent I needed to be and how critical it was to stay on top of all aspects of his care.  Thank you, thank you.  I will continue giving him Heiro and I will continue to read and reread your helpful articles!!!

Kathleen – Washington

Dr. Reilly:
Hello.  Thank you so much for your response from a few months ago….I took your advice and tried your product and followed your recommendation!  Just amazing results on how my horse looks and fees now vs. just a few months back.  See the pictures below.  I really appreciate the time you took to respond to my email.  I will continue to use your product. It’s just so wonderful…  Thank you.


Dorothy – Florida 2015

Dr. Reilly:
My horse is on Heiro.  I was away for a couple of days and my friend was taking care of my horse.  I cam home and opened the corral and let him out.  Sunny came out jumping and bouncing around like a Lipizzan stallion.  He is running.  He is actually making real steps now.  I am just amazed!  I just wanted to let you know it works!.  Thank you so much.

Roger – Florida, June 2014

Dr. Reilly:
I should have mentioned that my mare not only required shoes, but pads as well.  Her feet were really flat after foundering.  Today, she was galloping through the pastures — shoeless and without any sign of being sore.  I took a look at her feet when she came in and couldn’t believe the difference.  Her soles look like regular hooves again — they are concave and so healthy looking.  I have to believe that the change is a result of Heiro.  Thanks for a great product!

Judy – Virginia, April 2015

Dr. Reilly:
Please send a 3 month container of HEIRO for my mustang mare, Amber.  It has really helped a lot.  She has not had a laminitic episode for about two years, since she has been on this.  She did fine with her pregnancy, and is still nursing her now 9 month old colt without any problems.


This is Amber and the baby, one day after he was born…you can see she’s in great shape, and has remained so.  Thank you for a great product and the useful information you continue to share.

Cherrelyn – Colorado, July 2014

Moody Mare:
Dr. Reilly:
My Morgan mare Sage, has been on Heiro for about 3 months and the change in her has been dramatic.  Although she was never lame, her stride was short and choppy.  Her sweet personality was now angry and unhappy.  She has made a total 360…her gait is improved with a longer stride and soft canter and she is the friendly, in-your-pocket mare that greets me with a sloppy kiss as I open her stall door.

Elaine – South Carolina

Dr. Reilly:
Hi.  I just wanted to touch base with you.  I did purchase the Heiro for my Cushing horse and also for my paint mare that is always foot sore without shoes.  What a difference.  I have been feeding the Heiro for about a month now and both horses act like they are yearlings again.  I love this stuff.  I have not been able to ride each horse for over two years.  I can now ride them and I am eager to ride on the trails this spring.  Thank you so much for a wonder product.  I am so glad I saw your ad.  This is my product of choice that actually does what it says it will do.  My paint mare is walking around on hard frozen ground it does not seem to bother her feet as much any more.  What  a relief to see my horses without pain and able to walk to their feed tubs. This is a remarkable turn of events.  I have tried every product for her and Heiro is the only one that has worked for her sore feet.  My Cushings horse was so lame and laying down all the time, unable to walk, and was in such pain that we decided to put her down, but, instead, tried her on Heiro to give her another chance.  Less than a week on Heiro she responded so well and started running around, kicking up her heels and you could tell she felt so much better and there was no way she would have to be put down.  She does not even lay down any more and whinnys and bucks and runs out to the pasture.  This is truly a blessing to see her do this since her life hung by a string.  She is feeling like a youngster again.  Your product saved her life and I thank you for this.  I have had her since she was conceived and the thought of putting her down was heart wrenching.  Your product give her a chance to just hang out in the pasture and live out her days pain free.  I don’t care if I ever ride her, it is just wonderful to see her pain free and wanting to run around.

Linda – Pennsylvania

Dr. Reilly:
My mare has been on Heiro 2 years and is doing very well.  She is even lost a bit of the cresty neck which is always seem to be the last area to go.  Below is her picture – fit and healthy.

Kathy D. – 2014


Dr. Reilly:
I’ve noticed that the fat lumps on Jasper’s neck have changed – lessened and softer.  Thank you for the auto send Heiro Program.  That is so convenient.  I love it.

Barb – Colorado

donkeyjasperDr. Reilly:
Our mare is only 8 years old and started having issues with grass, especially spring and fall, over the past two years.  We had her to a third vet for evaluation in October with not a lot of hope for her to return to being a tremendous trail horse again.  I can’t begin to tell you the number of times we have saddled her up to ride (she would seem to be fine when she came in from the pasture) only to be disappointed with her lameness and removed the saddle.  I have tried several products to no avail.  I continued my search from something to help her and that’s when I came across your product and decided to give it a try.  I actually had Heiro on hand for 2 1/2 weeks before I started to give her this supplement.  In the past two weeks, we have seen her RUNNING at full speed across our pasture and began to ride her in our arena a few nights ago.  My husband and I can tell that she is moving freely and LOVES to be back under the saddle!

Becky –  Iowa 2015

Dr. Reilly:
I have to tell you I was skeptical that Heiro would work on my Gypsy mare, but I was blown away by the difference in her since she was put on Heiro for Insulin Resistance. Her crest softened significantly, her weight has been easier to maintain and she is coming into regular heat cycles enough, so we are now going to attempt to breed her. Now I wish I have more pasture to put her on. Once again, thank you for saving my mare.

Sharon – Vermont

Dr. Reilly:
We are delighted with Batanero’s recovery.  Batanero looks brilliant now.  Our Vet saw him trot on the lane amongst gravel.  No one would believe this wonderful champion Spanish Stallion is 19 years and nearly died from laminitis a year and half ago.

Florence HUNT (Batanero V


Florence – UK

Dr. Reilly:
I just wanted to give you an update on Ari.  He’s been on HEIRO for a little over a month now, and I was surprised (especially with the spring grass coming up already) that he’s looking much better.  He’s lost a lot of the crest on his neck.  I can’t wait to see what the next 2 months will do for us.  Thank you so much for all your help and advice.

Michelle – Florida

Dr. Reilly:
Just wanted to give you all  a huge thanks…My mustang is IR and had a 161 IR test last October.  I decided to try Heiro and last month his results (after 4 months on Heiro) was 23!  He lives in a grassy paddock, and gets turned out into pasture 2-3 hours a day and is doing great!  Thank you, thank you!

Patricia – New Hampshire

Dr. Reilly:
I have been fighting founder issues for two years now and I tried everything. It was heart wrenching to see him in a little paddock all by himself as he couldn’t go out on grass. I started Heiro four weeks ago and my Farrier is quite impressed at my pony’s progress and asked what I had done. I told him about Heiro and he is going to forward this information to all of his clients with insulin/founder issues. Thank you for helping my little fella. He is now bucking and running with his buddies in the fields (when five weeks ago, he could barely walk).

Karen – Maryland

Dr. Reilly:
I started my horse on Heiro this past fall.  He is 22 years old and has had ringbone since he was 9.  He has developed signs of early stages of Cushings Disease and at the advice of my veterinarian I put him on Heiro.  First of all I was truly amazed that I got a personal phone call asking about his health history and was offered suggestions for changes in his diet, treats, etc.  I had read the info that cam with the Heiro order and checked the website also.  I can’t even tell you how many different supplements I have tried over the years and never did I have someone follow-up to see if there were any changes since starting the supplement.  We have just started our second 3-month container and I have taken him off any other supplements I was giving him (Chinese herbs, Equi-shine).  He is doing fantastic.  It has been a brutal winter here in WI but I have ridden him a few times and he feels great.  He canters out to pasture after being stalled at night and when they are fed their “lunch” at noon he canters circles around until the hay is put down.  He has no edema in his sheath area at all this winter and that has been an issue for years.  It got so bad sometimes it looked like a cow’s udder.  His neck has slimmed down considerably and he looks healthy.  We are using a slow feeder hay bag and he loves peanuts in the shell for a treat as well as the sugar-free peppermints.  Celery didn’t go over too well.  I just want to thank you so much for having such a wonderful product and for being there for me.

Judie – Wisconsin

Dr. Reilly:
I have used two bottles of Heiro supplement and I am so impressed with the outcome. Four of my horses are mini’s that have had sore feet off and on for the last ten years. Now, with Heiro, they are all doing so much better and can go out and graze like real horses now. Thank you so much for a wonderful product. They are happy and I don’t feel guilty any more.

Mary Ann – Virginia

Dr Reilly:
I have contacted you several times in the past regarding my 6 year old Insulin Resistant Mare. Your advice for feeding programs and your Heiro has gotten her to where she is today. She just had a beautiful filly and is the best mom ever.

Brenda – Wisconsin

Dr. Reilly:
My friend had a quarter horse with such bad Insulin Resistance that she was about to put him down. I told her my horse was doing great on Heiro and so she tried it. In only one month she sees him trotting in the field for the first time in years.

Elaine – Oregon

Dr. Reilly:
I have to tell you Cowboy is doing great. He moves well, is running around the paddock, and is the best he has ever been. It is fun to see him this way. Heiro has really helped him – thank you for this product.

Mary – Oklahoma

Dr. Reilly:
My champion mare has had Laminitis for over five months and even surgery did not help. Five days on Heiro and no drugs, she walked out of her stall for the first time (in five months) and walked two paddocks away. My dad was asking where the mare was when he went to feed and was surprised she went so far. We’re thrilled.

Kim – Oregon

Dr. Reilly:
I wanted to thank you for your great product and information on getting my Insulin Resistant horse back in good shape again. He is one of the best horses I have ever had and it was heartbreaking to see him change so much for the worse over the last two years. He is feeling incredible and I can’t thank you enough.

Shannon – California

Dr. Reilly:
My 18-year-old Quarterhorse, Mic, has been insulin resistant for years.He foundered once and suffered many bouts of mild laminitis. He has been on all other IR supplements, he is fed as sugar free a diet as possible. He wears a free-to-breathe grazing muzzle when he goes out and I use a farrier that specializes in founder rehab. I found HEIRO by going a search on the internet. I have been giving it to Mic for over 3 months now and it is making him feel and look much, much better. He is not a scrabby, is losing weight, and walking better. Very happy with this supplement!

Tanya – Florida





Building Muscle
Dr. Reilly:
I purchased Health-E for my other horse, Roadster, who had EPM and a R-Hind upper suspensory injury.  All vets had written him off, but after my other guy with Laminitis pulled through with lots of TLC, we rebuilt Roadster from the ground up with a thoughtful re-hab program focused on balance and stabilization rather than fitness.  He is currently W/T/C after a year of rehab.  A more rigorous program is beginning.  He is building muscle and thought this would help.  No on other meds or supplements.

Virginia – Virginia, January 2016

Dr. Reilly:
The EPM horse is doing so well on Health-E that the rider has asked for us to cut back because the horse is feeling great!

Pat – Virginia

Everyone Noticed a Huge Difference:
Dr. Reilly:
I just have to tell you that the difference in my horse with this Health-E product is REMARKABLE. I contacted my vet 10 days after starting with this product and told him that Ringo was a different horse. He had gained weight, his muscling was better, and he looked and acted like an FEI dressage horse. His lateral work is vastly better and his energy is non-flagging. This has gotten better the longer that I have had him on the product. EVERYONE notices a huge difference. I am absolutely thrilled. Thank you so much for helping my beautiful horse feel like a million bucks!!!!! It’s been a joy!

Melanie – Illinois

Dr. Reilly:
I e-mailed you some years ago about my FEI Dressage horse who has EPSM.  We switched to Health-E and he is doing GREAT.  It has made a huge difference for him.  Initially you sent me extra product and jacked up the dosage to get the needed amount into his system quickly.  He is about 16.3+hh Danish WB Gelding, 22 years old now.  His movement is terrific…pirouette, passage, piaffe could not be much better.

Melanie – Illinois – May 2015

Back Winning:
Dr. Reilly:
My horse was neurologic with EPM.  I put it on Health-E.  Not only did the horse recover from the EPM, but I took it to a cow show and won the competition.

Steve – Ohio

My Daughter Is Thrilled:
Dr. Reilly:
I bought your product at a Horse Show for a horse with Tie-up issues. Started Health-E and in 10 days or less had great improvement in the horse. It is like having a new horse. My daughter is thrilled.

Gary – Ohio


Goes Beautifully:
Dr. Reilly:
May I please re-order your Health-E that you recommended for my daughter’s PSSM pony? We tried a different Vitamin E supplement that we could get here locally, but my daughter’s pony started hopping again. Your Health-E is definitely what he needs, because he goes beautifully when he is on your Vitamin E. We tried to cut corners, but we learned a lesson. Thank you.

Joanna – South Carolina

No Longer Needs Tranquilized:
Dr. Reilly:
You suggested that I try Health-E on my Quarter Pony with PSSM and is also muscle bound and my Thoroughbred, as the pony and the horse were crampy when shod in hind. I put them on Health-E as directed for one month. The farrier was out last week and it was NOT necessary to give the pony Ace when working on his hind legs!! Both horses were more comfortable with the process. Your product is truly amazing!!

Laura – Maryland


Stopped Scratching:
Dr. Reilly:
I have 2 mares.  One has severe allergies to the culicoides gnat.  Last year we were at several vets trying to figure out why her mammary glands were swelling along with lots of tiny scabs along her midline. The other just started reacting this summer with significant mane loss in patches from her scratching.  Many months later, many experiments (fly predators, various fly sprays, ointments, powders, creams) all from reputable companies later…nothing changed.  I came across your web site and one other.  I ordered from both web sites. I put yours on my most severely affected mare.  The less affected (mane) got the other company’s products.  The other products have no results, other than slightly oily mane.  Yours…well that is a completely different story.  After only 1 week of using all 4 products as described, all the tiny scabs are all gone and she has a smooth midline.  After week 2, she stopped scratching her midline when she rolled.  A simple, normal roll, then up and off she ran to join her playmates.  Her tail hair at the top of her tail is starting to grow back, lovely tiny hairs that will grow to join the rest of her long tail.  Completely surprising me, her appetite has returned.  She had gotten to the point where she was turning down treats that she now nudges me for!! I can only imagine how much discomfort she must have been going through to not feel like a treat.
So after 2.5 weeks, I am stopping the other company’s products and ordering the full suite of products for my second mare.  I can’t wait for her to have the same relief and grow her mane back in.  Thanks for great products.

Karen – California

Worked In Just A Few Days:
Dr. Reilly:
We purchased Summer Eczema Oral Supplement, RK Topical Spray, Map Shampoo, and Quadrabiotic Ointment. Your products are without a doubt absolutely AMAZING!!!! As you may know, here in Texas we have been experiencing a record-breaking drought. Our horses have been tortured by “no see-ums” and eczema; rubbing off their tails, the hair on their necks and sides. It’s been terrible. I’ve tried so many products – both commercial and homemade, and nothing has brought relief lasting more than a few hours. Our mare, in particular, has severe skin allergy to gnats. She breaks out in bumpy sores that if left untreated, scab and fill with puss. Your products have brought IMMEDIATE relief to her and our geldings. From the first few days, we could actually see the skin improvement and noticed none of the horses were rubbing on trees or the fence any longer. I will share with our horse friends and our two horse vets.

J&P – Texas

My Vet Told Me About SE Supplement  by a client who had a mare with severe Sweet Itch which was successfully treated!
Dr. Reilly:
My DWB Mare would lose all the hair from her face and rub her neck and tail area raw before I found SE Solution.  This product is amazing!  We live in Texas which as had record rainfall this year.  I turn her out at night with a HEAVY DUTY RAMBO fly sheet impregnated with fly repellent.  It is too hot to turn out during the day.  Her coat is a beautiful liver chestnut and has not faded.  She rarely rubs herself.  Before SES she could destroy an ordinary sheet within daysPLEASE tell all veterinarians around the world about your product which is as effective as Dex!  Thank you Dr. R!

Jan W. – Texas

Best Summer:
Dr. Reilly:
I can’t thank you enough for marketing the Oral Supplement and the RK Topical Spray. My Morgan had the bet summer since I purchased him 4 years ago. After starting him on the supplement in March, before bug season and continuing through our first heavy frost, he had no hives or bug reactions at all. His temperament was more settled than I have seen in the past. Truly he was much more comfortable than ever.

Marti – Vermont

Dr. Reilly:
I am SOLD on your products for Summer Eczema!! My Morgan gelding would look moth-eaten without them. Prevention works so much better than treatment which is why I am so excited about the Oral Supplement and the fly spray (which works better than anything I’ve ever used and I’ve had horses for 30 years).

Kristal – Maryland


Results Extraordinary:
Dr. Reilly:
My horse has been on the program of using the Summer Eczema Oral Supplement, the Map Shampoo, Ointment, and RK Topical Spray since December 29th. The results have been extraordinary. I have been fighting the eczema for almost a year, trying everything, and having nothing work. Thank you.

Bev – Texas

Hair Coming Back:
Dr. Reilly:
Hap the TB is getting better. Not so many crusty sores, hair is growing back, but still looking almost singed on his neck, back and loin area. I can only attribute that to the intense sun. I do have a turnout sheet on him. I’m needing 2 more RK Sprays and one more bottle of MAP shampoo. That stuff rocks!!I want to use it on all my horses.

Sue – Texas

Off Steriods:
Dr. Reilly:
Thank you. We have had great success with your supplement and spray. Munch is blanketed with a neck and belly piece most of the time. This is the first year in memory that Munch has not had to be on steroids for 2 to 3 months in summer/fall. I would call the supplement for Munch a BIG success. Your products are GREAT!

Nan – Maine



Great Success!
Dr. Reilly:
I have been using Heave Ho and Vitamin E for 1 year with great success.  We have not needed any steroid treatment at all.  Very pleased with product.

Kristy – North Dakota, August 2016

No Darth Vader….DarthVaderBreathing
Dr. Reilly:
My 27-year-young Morgan Mare Lee Marie is doing very well on the Heave Ho and Health-E regime.  It is now July and I have not had a “Darth Vader” breathing issue so far.

Michaela – Virginia, July 2016

Zoe Breathes In My Ear And It Sounds Clear
Dr. Reilly:
Her symptoms were horrible coughing, nasal discharge but she sounded like Darth Vader when she breathed. We grow our own hay and it is pretty clean but at your recommendation I started rinsing her nighttime feeding. I also have her on the Heave Ho and Health-E for about three weeks.  She is breathing ten times better. I don’t hear any of the rattling or forced exhale anymore.  She breathes in my ear and it sounds clear.  This has definitely helped her.

Karen – California

Faithfully Followed Doctor’s Orders – See HUGE Difference
Dr. Reilly:
Hi. On July 26, 2016, I consulted with you about my mare having COPD and Coughing after many vet visits and several different types of medicines.  The last one was Ventepulium, which helped a lot but is very expensive for using all the time.  You recommended Heave Ho, Health-E & Thyro-L.  When I received the order I started immediately.  I had used all of the Ventepulium 3 days before.  She had a slight cough every few mornings but nothing like before.  After I have faithfully followed the doctor’s orders with the supplements, soaking her hay for 10 minutes, no dust in stall and soaking her alfalfa cubes, I see a HUGE difference in her mornings and her actions.  She doesn’t cough but maybe every few days and then its a hack like.  I am so happy with her improvements.  Now I need to know what I need to keep her on.  Please advise me & dosage so I can order before I use what I have.  Thank you so much for your suggestion & advice you gave me.

Judy – Texas

Running Laps Around Pasture!
Dr. Reilly:
Pearl has completely recovered from the attack of Heaves.  She is running laps in the pasture again. We celebrated her 30th birthday after all.  Thank you so much and God bless you extra!

Nancy – Michigan, July 2016

Moses is Thriving
Dr. Reilly:
I just wanted to let y’all know how much I appreciate your product and advice. My horse, Moses, has been on it now for close to 2 months and has completely turned around and is breathing normally, gaining weight, and his energy level has been restored.  Thank you so much for your help.  It is nice to see him thriving as opposed to just surviving.

Kate – Texas

Your Product Truly Works
Dr. Reilly:
Thank you Equine Medical & Surgical Associates! Thank you so much for giving me my horse back.  I tried for two years to find something that would help his heaving, and your product truly works.

Sherry – Georgia

Betty – Significant Improvement
Dr. Reilly:
I wanted to write you and let you know my mule Betty has shown some significant improvement and I am so thankful for your wonderful product.

Jessica – Illinois, July 2016

It was very hot, so far he is doing good
Dr. Reilly:
I am very curious to see how he makes it through this summer and in November.  That is usually when his breathing is the worst.  I rode him last weekend and it was very hot. So far he is doing good.  No Dex for him at all since we have switched to this.

Doris – Florida, June 2016

Life Is So Much Better, even in High Humidity!
Dr. Reilly:
The recommended products, Heave Ho and Health-E, have made our horse’s life so much better.  He breathes better, even in high humidity.  We have watched this carefully and noted a Dramatic improvement in temps of high 90’s with 90+% humidity.  This horse had moved from Wyoming where the humidity was sometimes 30% so the change was radical.

Bob and Kay – Florida, May 2016

Breathing Improved/Energy Improved!
Dr. Reilly:
I want to thank you for the Heave Ho you sent for my horse, Summerhawk.  She is doing better on the regime you spelled out for me to follow.  Breathing has improved and energy has improved. I have yet to get her tested T4, but am doing that next.  It’s great to find something that works, is more natural, and doesn’t have negative side effects.  Thank you so much.

Wendy – Washington, March 2016

Heave Ho Is Like A Miracle!

Dr. Reilly:
Within 1 day, Oatis had gone from falling over with the coughing to only coughing lightly at feed time.  After 2 weeks, only coughs occasionally.

Nancy – Pennsylvania, August 2015

I Am Just So Thrilled
Dr. Reilly:
Ringo started Heave Ho, BID, Monday, July 13th.  It has been blistering hot here.  Saturday the heat index was 116 with very high humidity.  Because of his age, I am especially careful in this heat.  I rode him Wednesday and had a great ride.  Today, 86 degrees and high humidity, he felt like a Grand Prix 10 year old!  He coughed some, but we have had tons of rain and the mold count is ridiculous.  I could hardly contain him!  His extended trot was powerful and huge! His piaffe and passage were bouyant and elastic. His tempi changes were just outstandingI had almost given up on EVER feeling that again.  Absolutely NOTHING has changed except the addition of Heave Ho to his diet.  I am just thrilled!  Thank you!

Melanie – Illinois, July 2015

Dr. Reilly:
Rebel’s breathing was so bad and the steroids didn’t seem to do much for him anymore.  Wasn’t able to ride him.  My friend ordered me Heave Ho and Health-E from you.  Within 7 days his breathing was better!  It’s now been 2 weeks and I can’t believe the improvement. I’m now placing my own order.  I’m so excited to be able to ride him again!

Patti – Michigan

Dr. Reilly:
I am just writing to you to say thank you for helping me with my horse.  Buster has been on Health-E and Heave Ho for about two months now.  I decided to give these products a try because of the testimonials that said they got their horse back and that statement was exactly what I needed to hear.  For months I battled with Buster’s breathing. I wasn’t above to ride because he was breathing so hard and had no energy.  Going out to the barn was almost depressing because I couldn’t find anything to make my horse comfortable.  After trying multiple other products and seeing no results, I decided anything was worth a shot.  Heave Ho has made a world of difference.  Now Buster’s worst days were his best days before and there are even days that you can barely tell he has any breathing problems at all.  The Health-E has not only helped Buster’s breathing but his coat shines and his hooves look amazing.  I sincerely think that Heave Ho is the best product on the market for Heaves and the people who sell it are knowledgeable and great to work with.  Thank you for giving me my horse back!

Elizabeth – Michigan
June 2015

Off Albuterol:
Dr. Reilly:
My sister bought Heave Ho for my horse and it is amazing.  Albuterol, currently prescribed, has not been used since starting Heave Ho on May 20, 2015.  Flonase has not been used since started on Heave Ho on May 20, 2015.

Judy – Ohio,
Dated May 28, 2015 – Only 8 Days!

Amazed, Happy, Shocked:
Dr. Reilly:
I am at 14 days of using the Heave Ho and the Vitamin E supplements for my horse.  Amazed, happy, shocked, and Yeah.  Seems to be working.  Has been a long winter and spring with her new respiratory issues.  Two Vets and same dx of Heaves and/or allergies.  Prednisilone and bronchodilators and hoping for some symptom relief.  Your products seem to be as amazing as when I sought help for a rehab horse and used Heiro.  I do not want to run out and have been using the double doses as recommended.  Now using double dose on Heave Ho only and will reorder soon.

Dianne – South Dakota
June 2015

No Coughing.  Breathing Normal:
Dr. Reilly:
My horse “Fancy” is 16 years old this year and has been suffering from Asthma and COPD for over 4 years at least.  She uses an inhaler and we had her on Dex too before using Heave Ho.  I was beginning to think that I was going to have to put her down this year as her coughing had gotten so terrible, that she was having problems breathing, eating, and her heart rate was in the 90s.  We have been on Heave Ho for approximately 24 days now and it has changed “Fancy’s” life!! No coughing, breathing is normal, she is back to eating all her food, she is whiny-ing again, and her heart rate is in the low 70s, which is good for her.  Thank you SO much, We will be your spokes horse any day!

Jocy – Kansas
November 2014

Heave Ho Delivers:
Dr. Reilly:
Rocket’s coughing has become progressively worse with age, and recently sounded raspy at night.  I found Heave Ho on the internet and the transformation is amazing.  He has been on every cough suppressant on the market and I am so relieved to have found you.  (He is too!)  I have his half brother, a newly acquired QH Chance, and Paladin (RUI), all on the Vitamin E supplement also, as our pastures are sparse.  Thank you so much for a great product that really does deliver!

Patricia – North Carolina, April 2015

Quick Relief:
Dr. Reilly:
I have to tell you – The Heave Ho is a Miracle!  Within ONE DAY Oatis had gone from almost falling over with the coughing to only coughing lightly at feed time.  I was so hopeful that this product would provide relief but didn’t expect that relief so quickly and thoroughly.  He has only been on it for 2 weeks.  He now only coughs occasionally.  Glad I met and talked with you at the Ohio Equine Affaire.

Nancy – Pennsylvania
May 2014

Got My Ginger Back:
Dr. Reilly:
I just wanted to tell you I GOT MY HORSE BACK!!!! For 2 years Ginger has had no stamina or energy to go beyond a trot due to her heaves and mild arthritis.  The last time I rode her, her lungs made a ghastly sound and I thought that was it, she is now a pasture ornament.  I was going to have her get another steroid shot, but thought that really didn’t improve her quality nor was it really solving the issue.  I used the Heave Ho and Health E for one month and saw an improvement just having her around the barn.  So I ordered another month without really knowing if she had improved that much.  WELL, yesterday was the first time I was able to ride due to our weather and I couldn’t get her to slow down.  We didn’t just canter, we were at a full run and she didn’t want to stop.  My granddaughter and I rode for 3 1/2 hours and had the best ride in a long time. I don’t expect this all the time due to climate change, but what an improvement.  It was amazing. I also put my old 34 year old gelding on the Health E and he is running around like a colt again.  The product is expensive for me since I have so many animals, but their health is important.  This treatment for Ginger is healthier and cheaper in the long run than the alternatives.  I will be ordering the Heiro for my dogs soon.  Thank you for a wonderful product as you saved my horse and hopefully I will have a few more years of riding and loving her.  She is about 21 years old and I’m 64 so hopefully we’ll both be able to retire at the same time.  Again, thank you.

Doreen P.

My Old Mare Is Good:
Dr. Reilly:
My 28 year old mare, Dusty, has made a huge turn around with Heave Ho.  We started her on it at the end of last summer as a last resort of helping her breathing and her breathing improved 100%.  In fact it even impressed our Vet when he came and checked on her this Spring.

Deborah R.
August 2014

No Wheezing At All
Dr. Reilly:
I wanted to give you an update on Tanky.  He is doing incredibly well and I hear NO wheezing at all now.  It has been a miracle…thank you so much.  Heave Ho and Health-E has truly saved his life (and my happiness).  He will be on this protocol from now on.

Flicka R.
September 2015


Top Farrier School Endorses:
Dr. Reilly:
This fly spray is the most effective fly spray I have ever found. Students take 4-6 hours to shoe a horse and your fly spray is as effective on hour 6 as it is on hour one! A quality shoeing cannot be accomplished on a horse that is moving around, stomping flies. RK Topical Spray allows the horse to stand quietly throughout the shoeing. Thanks for a great product.

Bob Smith – Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School – California

Out in Pasture without the Constant Stomping & Tail Swishing
Dr. Reilly:
I’ve been using the RK Topical Spray on my horses for years.  I started using it for a horse that has sweet itch, flies don’t even land on her! I now use this product for all the horses.  It’s so nice to see them out in the pasture without the constant stomping & tail swishing.  I always spray them prior to riding.  As for the customer service – FANTASTIC! My order arrives very quickly – thank you! Highly recommend RK Topical Spray.

Linda – New York, July 2016

Best I’ve Ever Seen:
Dr. Reilly:
I purchased your new bug spray product that you lectured about at the Horse Show. I just love that product. My horse’s coat has never looked better! And I do not need to spray him every day. At least not now. If the flies and gnats, etc., get worse I may need to spray more. But for now it is working very well. Best I’ve ever seen. I’ve been around horses all my life and never saw anything as good as this!

Shelley – Ohio

No Stomping, No Head Shaking:
Dr. Reilly:
That fly spray is amazing!  The flies here from the huge cattle operation across the street are the worst you have ever seen.  Fly predator companies won’t even sell me fly predators.  I went out yesterday AM and they were swarming.  I got my fly masks and your spray and hit all three horses and like a miracle those flies were GONE.  No stamping, no head shaking, no tail swishing…GONE.  Amazing product.  I follow the directions to the letter…twice a day.

Julie – South Carolina

Other Sprayers Not Working but RK Does!
Dr. Reilly:
Hi…first want to say love your Heiro Supplement, but secondly, I tried your RK Fly Spray and, well, now love that!  We run a boarding stable in Ohio…a natural facility where horses are out a lot.  Fly sprays were not lasting.  But yours does.  Have been using for a few weeks and love it.  I just posted on Facebook how much I like the spray with a link to the product…you maybe get flooded with orders from Ohio!  Thanks for bringing quality products to the equine industry.

Stephanie – Ohio 2015

Works Wonderfully:
Dr. Reilly:
My 2 girls love your products.  One is so sensitive to bug bites and the RK Topical is the only fly spray I use now.  It works wonderfully.  My Vet, who has a large customer base and works with 2 other Vets, continues to recommend that to his customers to  try your products.  His is so pleased with the results.

Karen – California